Financial Report 2021-2023

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Financial Report 2021-2023

GeeksBlaBla is a non-profit community initiative managed by a collective of volunteers to organize podcasts and events to discuss, highlight, and share the latest IT topics in Moroccan Darija.

GeeksBlaBla receives money from donations and sponsors, and our primary expenses are Tooling & Online Subscriptions, Team setup & support, and T-shirts & Delivery.

Don’t take our word for it - let’s look at some numbers.


The story began before 2021 with the DevC community supported by Facebook. The team used to report all financial information to Facebook, as the community was mainly supported by Facebook through the Developer Circles program.

In 2021, the Facebook Developer Circles program came to an end. The team decided to separate GeeksBlaBla from DevC and become an independent community. The team started to look for sponsors to cover the expenses of the events and the podcast.

We maintain multiple community initiatives, but our main source of income is the BlaBlaConf event, a one-stop shop for the latest and hottest technology trends in Darija, and completely free! and organized yearly.

Here are the two types of sponsoring we have:

  • Indirect sponsoring: mainly, the sponsoring company takes care of the expenses, and we do not take any money from them (hosting the event, paying for food, etc.).

  • Direct sponsoring: The sponsor agrees to make a transaction of a specific amount in exchange for other benefits (designation as sponsor, booth for events, sessions, etc.).

This report covers only the direct sponsoring part.

💰 Expenses

Expense DescriptionAmount
Services(videos, design, dev., etc.)19 700 MAD
Tooling & Online Subscriptions14 000 MAD
Gifts (t-shirt, competitions gifts, etc.)31 300 MAD
Donation10 700 MAD
Team setup & support30 000 MAD
Team building4 400 MAD
Total110 100 MAD

💸 Income

Income SourceAmount
Sponsors 202145 538.00 MAD
Sponsors 202275 000.00 MAD
Total120 538 MAD

💰 Available balance

Financial flowsAmount
Total income120 538 MAD
Total expenses110 100 MAD
Balance10 438 MAD

🎯 Goals for 2024

This year is the first time we are sharing this report covering 2021-2023. One of our goals is to enhance transparency with the public. Our foremost mission remains unchanged: shaping the future of the Moroccan IT community one step at a time through insightful podcasts, inspiring videos, cutting-edge open-source projects, and in-depth conferences.

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