Financial Report 2024

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Financial Report 2024

Last year, we shared a comprehensive financial report covering 2021-2023 for the first time. This initiative aimed to enhance transparency with our community, and we were pleased to hear that it was well received.

Continue with the same goal in mind, we are sharing the financial report for 2024.

GeeksBlaBla receives money from donations and sponsors, and our primary expenses are Tooling & Online Subscriptions, Team setup & support, and T-shirts & Delivery.

Here are the two types of sponsoring we have:

  • Indirect sponsoring: mainly, the sponsoring company takes care of the expenses, and we do not take any money from them (hosting the event, paying for food, etc.).

  • Direct sponsoring: The sponsor agrees to make a transaction of a specific amount in exchange for other benefits (designation as sponsor, booth for events, sessions, etc.).

This report covers only the direct sponsoring part.

πŸ’° Expenses

Expense DescriptionAmount
Services(videos, design, dev., etc.)9 400 MAD
Tooling & Online Subscriptions9 570 MAD
Gifts (t-shirt, competitions gifts, etc.)21 890 MAD
Donation0 MAD
Team setup & support8 550 MAD
Team building3 100 MAD
Total52 510 MAD

πŸ’Έ Income

During 2024, GeeksBlaBla had a balance of 10,438 MAD from the previous year, with an income of 60,000 MAD, resulting in a total of 70,438 MAD.

πŸ’° Available balance

Financial flows
Total income70 438 MAD
Total expenses52 510 MAD
Balance17 928 MAD

🎯 Goals for 2025 &

As you may know, our primary sponsorship comes from our annual conference, BlablaConf. Unfortunately, we did not secure any sponsors for this year’s edition. Therefore, we will focus on making sponsorships more appealing and developing sustainable sponsorship packages. If you are interested or have any suggestions to help us achieve this, please share your thoughts in the comments or reach out to us on Linkedin.

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