In this episode, we will discuss the Google Cloud Platform, its various services, how it compares to other cloud providers, and how to get started.

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0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:02:30 - What is Cloud and Google Cloud Platform?

0:05:00 - How google cloud is different from other cloud providers?

0:11:40 - Google Cloud Platform strengths

0:16:00 - How to get started with Google Cloud Platform?

0:19:00 - Google Cloud Platform compute services

0:44:00 - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

0:50:00 - Google Cloud Platform database and storage services

1:07:00 - Google Cloud Platform security and how the services help to secure your infrastructure ?

1:14:00 - Q/A

1:22:30 - Good resources to learn Google Cloud Platform

1:28:00 - Google Cloud Platform with DATA

1:30:30 - Google Cloud in Morocco

1:38:10 - Conclusion and goodbye.


Anything you want us to talk about?

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