In this episode, we talk about Certificates in the IT field; why should you care? How will certificates help you in your career, the essential certifications you should have, and how to prepare for those certificates?

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0:00:00 - Introduction.

0:10:00 - Why should you care about certifications?

0:28:00 - Types of IT certifications.

0:38:00 - The best period to get a certificate ( junior or senior )

0:43:00 - Certification vs open-source contributions vs blogging.

0:25:00 - How to say that a resource is behaving normally?

0:51:00 - Why are IT certifications so expensive?

1:03:00 - Is certifications from the learning platform worth it?

1:07:00 - Why some people/companies criticize certifications and interpret them as a bad sign?

1:22:00 - Certifications for beginners.

1:46:00 - How to prepare for a certificate?

2:07:00 - The most valuable certificates in Morocco.

2:28:00 - Wrap up and goodbye.


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