In this episode of GeeksBlabla, we discuss with Mohamed Zakariae El Khdime about his success story.

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00:00:00 - Who is Mohamed Zakariae El Khdime?

00:03:00 - What is your academic background?

00:06:00 - did you study in any public high school?

00:20:00 - How did you switch from developement to security?

00:22:00 - What is cybersecurity?

00:25:00 - Why do hackers always wear hoodies? Behind the stereotype?

00:26:00 - What is your first project in entrepreneurship?

00:31:00 - How to start a career in cybersecurity?

00:33:00 - How to found a startup in Dubai?

00:46:00 - Advice for people who want to found a startup.

00:46:00 - What kind of knowledge and amount of capital required for someone to take on entrepreneurship?

00:51:00 - How did you manage to get funds?

00:59:00 - What are your future plans, and what kind of advice could you give to someone who wants to get into cybersecurity?

01:10:00 - Mohammed Aboullaite: Thanking DevC team and launch DevC projects for 2019

01:24:00 - Goodbye!


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