In this episode of GeeksBlabla, team talks about the Software security, definition, techniques and tools.

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00:00:00 - Introduction

00:05:00 - What is software security?

00:11:00 - Cybersecurity’s history

00:17:00 - What is OWASP?

00:23:00 - OWASP Top 10 of 2019

00:23:00 - What is SQL injection attack and how to prevent it?

00:35:00 - Difference between XSS and CSRF

00:37:00 - What is XSS and how to prevent it?

00:46:00 - What is CSRF and how to prevent it?

00:53:00 - What are static analysis tools?

01:01:00 - What are vulnerability scanning tools and what attacks protect from?

01:08:00 - What are dynamic security testing tools?

01:14:00 - What is the solution if a project’s dependency has a security vulnerability?

01:19:00 - GraalVM Security

01:24:00 - Conclusion

01:27:00 - Goodbye!


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