Tech News & AMA #14 with our community members Abderrahim, Youssouf, Mohamed, mohamed and Yasser. We discuss the latest Tech News during this episode, and we answer audience questions about programming, community, new technologies, and much more.
0:00:00 - Intro and welcoming.
0:04:00 - Community friends updates
0:09:00 - New Mac book pro with M1 pro
0:22:00 - New Generation of CPUs and servers
0:29:00 - Next 12 features
0:33:00 - Rust based tools in Javascript ecosystem tools
0:42:00 - Remix run: a new react based framework for SSR
0:47:00 - New Python version 3.10 updates
0:57:00 - PHP new updates
1:09:00 - What is Web3?
1:18:00 - Opportunity for people with no degrees
1:22:00 - QA
1:31:00 - Wrap up and goodbye